Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

5variation Color Gradation with Animal Print by Tokyo Nail Collection @Grand Indonesia

This is the most popular nail art of this week by Tokyo Nail Collection!^^
Long Lasting, 2-4weeks with 1week guarantee :)
Be confidence, be pretty, be you!
Have a nice weekend girls!

Find more our design in our store at Grand Indonesia Shopping Town 3rd floor 021-23580404

And check what's hot on this month!

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

So cute, Gel Nail Art Frozen Image at Tokyo Nail Collection Grand Indonesia

Very cute! Elsa and Anna!

Even we have so many nail art designs(about 5.000 photos) in our ipad, you can bring your design here!^^
Let's have fun with you pretty nail!

Gel nail? Its a must! 2-4weeks lasting? Why not??
All of our material is come from Japan.
Learning skill and technique from a Japanese teacher, all of our Nailist proudly serv your lovely nails.
Quality? No compromize! 1week guarantee!

Having fun shopping at Grand Indonesia, it's all about branded you've looking for.
Pretty nails, confidence your happy shopping time on a shopping activity. 
Get all eyes on you!
You girls, it's important for you!<3

Tokyo Nail Collection
Grand Indonesia West Mall 3rd floor